Gymstick Fitness-Bag

Nº Art. LA-CS-2102
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    Financiación desde 12,77 al mes
  • Gymstick Fitness-Bag: Bolsa lastrada con forma cilíndrica
  • Extraordinariamente versátil para entrenamientos de fuerza funcionales y core-Training
  • También se puede usar en exteriores
  • Combina elementos de los entrenamientos con Kettlebell, elebación de pesas y boxeo
  • Alternativa para los balones medicinales
  • Robusta, bien acolchada, estable y larga vida útil
  • Diversas asas para variar las opciones de agarre y balanceo
  • Gymstick Fitness-Bag - Medidas:
    • 5 kg verde: 20 x 50 cm
    • 10 kg lila: 22,5 x 55 cm
    • 15 kg azul: 22,5 x 55 cm
    • 20 kg rojo: 25 x 60 cm
  • Gymstick Fitness-Bag se suministra rellena con arena

Gymstick Fitness-Bag for core training

The Gymstick Fitness-Bag is a weighted bag in shape of cylinder for functional core training. The Gymstick Fitness-Bag has several handle straps and is of varied use. Lifting, throwing, swinging or pushing - many exercises with the Gymstick Fitness-Bag are similar to weight lifting or Kettlebell workouts. As functional strength training becomes more and more important for health care, you are in vogue with the Gymstick Fitness-Bag. A workout dvd for quick start is included in delivery.

The Gymstick Fitness-Bag: can be used everywhere

The Fitness-Bag is durable and safe. The upholstery of the Gymstick Fitness-Bag makes wide swinging possible; floor is protected for throwing exercises. Workmanship is excellent; the weighted bag of Gymstick is neatly sewed. The outer material of the Gymstick Fitness-Bag is weatherproof - the innovative dumbbell system is also suitable for core training in the open. The Gymstick Fitness-Bag is available in four weight categories according to fitness level.

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Manufacturer Information

La información de fabricación incluye la dirección e información relacionada del fabricante del producto.
  • Ludwig Artzt GmbH
    Schiesheck 5
    65599 Dornburg
  • +49 6436 944930
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